Thursday, August 29, 2013

How Was Your Summer? - Kayla Bates

       My summer was definitely a new experience. After graduation at the end of May I spent most of the month of June relaxing with friends and family. I went to the beach in the beginning of June with friends and throughout the month I worked on basketball and lifted. When the first of July hit I came to the Mount for the second summer session and my first time as a college student.

Finn, me, Jayla, Mariah and Jenn on the Fourth of July!
      Summer school was a great transition for me. The early morning workouts were hard to adjust to the first two weeks but by the end of the month I was used to it. The girls on the team were all so helpful with basketball and helping me feel at home with them. After summer school I went to North Carolina with my family to visit my brother, sister-in-law and baby niece. I had quite a short break before coming back to the Mount. However, it was a great summer!

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