Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stay Connected!

Despite being new to the blogosphere, Mount St. Mary’s Women’s basketball is no stranger to social networking. There are other outlets online you can stay connected with us and up to date with all the great things happening here in Emmitsburg.

On Twitter you can follow us:



You can also Like us on Facebook.
For additional news, game updates, video, and much more, you can check out the Mount St. Mary’s Athletics website.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome : ) : )

As the 2011-12 school year begins and we welcome our students back to campus, we want to welcome YOU to Behind the ARCC, the Official Blog of Mount St. Mary’s Women’s Basketball.  It is designed to give you an inside look at our program.  We will be writing about the players, coaches, and alums of our program, as well as other interesting topics.
Behind the Arc is a basketball term for “shooting a 3-pter” that we are having a little fun with.  We are using “ARCC” in our title because as many of you know, ARCC stands for the Knott Athletic Recreation Convocation Complex (ARCC), which houses our home court.

We hope you’ve had a great summer and will follow us throughout the year from Behind the ARCC. Look forward to next week’s post from Coach Whitten!